Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Explosive Push Ups On The Bosu Ball

This is a cool plyometric push up variation that you can use to help build explosive strength in your chest, shoulders, and triceps. You can exert 100% effort into the exercise and the bosu ball will help absorb some of the shock and ease the pressure on the joints.


  1. i tried this today at the end of my chest workout,it was pretty tuff. great exercise.

  2. That looks great. Shame I don't have a bosu ball.

  3. too bad my gym dosent have one of those =(

  4. I did some of these yesterday. Great workout as always!

  5. It looked like you wanted to laugh all the time during the video, lol!
    actually I'll go ahead and try these to finish up my chests workouts instead of just normal pushups.

  6. What kind of rep/set/rest scheme do you recommend?

    Something like 6-10 sets of 3 reps with around 3 min rest?

    Note: I am a recreational powerlifter, I am interested in strength and power, not hypertrophy.

  7. What kind of set/rep/rest scheme do you recommend?

    Given that I am a powerlifter, I care about strength and power, not hypertrophy. (Yes, I think most bodybuilders are pansies! ;-) )

    I would assume something like this would be good for 6-10 sets of 3 reps with 3 min rest or so. And given that it is plyometric work, I would not do it more than 1x/week for about 6 weeks max.

  8. The set and reps would vary depending on your training goals. But you could follow the 8 sets of 3 (West Side Style) or something similar.
