Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What's your fitness goal for 2010 ?

It's amazing how fast time flies... Here we are almost at the end of 2009.

At the end of each year I always like to do an evaluation of what I accomplished over the past year, and make plans for what I'd like to focus on achieving during the next year.

Now I'm not one of those people who believes that goal setting should be saved just for New Year Resolutions. But it's always good to do a year end review and see where you stack up.

So how do you feel you did with your fitness goals over the past year?

Did you build the lean muscular body that you truly desire, or did you fall short of achieving that goal?

I think if we are totally honest... 99% of us would admit that we did NOT truly reach our target fitness goals this past year. I'm not pointing fingers, I feel that I'm in this boat as well.

But you know what, it's never too late to re-set your focus and push forward with renewed drive and determination. And that's why I highly recommend you take a serious look at the "No Nonsense Muscle Building & Six Pack Abs DVD Series" that my friend Vince DelMonte has on his site:

Trust me I wouldn't recommend you check this out if I didn't honestly believe in what Vince has to offer. I've personally known Vince for years, in fact he was a personal coaching student of mine several years ago and I helped him get ready for his first fitness model competition.

But since then Vince has combined everything he learned and put together an incredible "mega fitness program package" that covers pretty much everything you need to know about packing on muscle, shredding excess bodyfat, and getting in your best physical shape ever!

I give credit where credit is due and I have to say I'm really impressed with what he has to offer for less then $200 bucks...

Just look at the killer muscle building / fat burning package he has put together for you...

First the "meat & potatoes" of the program is a 9 Disc DVD Set with Workout Manuals. That's an insane value! Most workout DVD's run about $40 each so just the DVD's alone is worth $360 bucks, not even counting the workout manuals.

In addition to that he adding in his complete "No-Nonsense Muscle Building Package" (which regularly sells for $127 online)... He's giving that away as FREE bonus with his DVD series!

Vince also has a complete "No-Nonsense Fat Loss Package" that he sells for $107 and he is giving that entire package away as a freebie bonus as well.
(I personally think he's nuts, but there's even more...)

He did a killer audio interview series with 17 of the worlds top bodybuilding and fitness trainers, valued at $97, and you guessed it... he's giving that away for free as well!

In addition to that he asked me if I'd be willing to contribute something of value to this killer combo, since I was one of his original training mentors. So I agreed and added a complete "Hardcore Muscle Building" program. This program shows how you can train past the point of muscular failure and really take your body into the growth zone, where you'll tap into some real mass building results... Again, it's yours for free when you grab a copy of Vince's DVD Series at:

You have to be very careful from whom you take advice from these days. There is a lot of BS out there in the fitness industry...

But lucky for you, Vince has been through all the painful years of trial and error, he has studied and learned from some of the top guns and has combined the best of the best into this kick ass "No Nonsense Muscle Building & Six Pack Abs DVD Series".

I wish I had something like this available when I started working out. I would have gotten in top shape a lot sooner, rather then spinning my wheels and fumbling around with BS training programs.

So if one of your goals for 2010 is to get in your all time best shape ever, I would recommend that you at least give this No-Nonsense training system a try.

Trust me you are not going to find a better value deal anywhere. You are getting a combo of the best training advice from over 20 of the top muscle building and fitness experts all combined into one killer program.

There were only 500 DVD sets produced and Vince has just told me this morning that over half of them are sold out already. Many people are buying them as Christmas gifts so they are literally flying off the shelf. So if you want a copy you should act now while you still can!

Just go to the link below for more info...

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