I started http://www.leehayward.com/ back in January 15th, 1999 so in 3 weeks we'll be celebrating our 10th anniversary, which I'm super excited about! Not too many websites have been online this long.
And to kick off our 10th year anniversary online I'm going to be releasing a new bodybuilding DVD and book titled "Your First Bodybuilding Competition".
The DVD is of a seminar that I did at our most recent local bodybuilding competition. It covers all aspects of losing bodyfat and getting ripped. The book takes the topics that I covered in the seminar and goes into much greater detail with sample eating plans, workouts, as well as some killer tricks that you can use to sharpen up your physique with regards to manipulating your water and sodium so you get that hard shredded look.
It also covers all the fine competition details with regards to posing, what the contest judges are looking for, how to hide your weak points, show your strong points, tanning, removing body hair, etc.
Basically it is the exact same program that I personally used to win the 2007 Heavyweight Classic Overall Title. You can see my before and after pics below...
You'll be hearing more about the book and DVD package in the New Year, but for now just enjoy Christmas and stuff yourself full of tasty goodies!